Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The problem with Friendster

I'm sure by now, everyone has heard of Friendster. If you haven't, I suggest you donate your PC to some charity and then sign a blood oath to never ever touch a computer again, because its painfully obvious you're a retard...

Now, Friendster started off really nicely. It was a place to get in touch with long lost friends, say a little bit about yourself, make new friends and also, quite possibly, find a mate for some bedroom gymnastics.

But now, Friendster has turned into quite possibly one of the most annoying websites around! Let me tell you why:

Stupid forwarded messages.
To those who keep forwarding messages, understand this;
1. Friendster is NOT closing.
2. Make A Wish will NOT donate 2 cents for every message forwarded about Baba Gadush in Durka-stan who needs a new set of testicles because his were blown off by the US Army.
3. Your gf/ mother/ cat/ toilet/ etc will NOT stop loving you if you don't forward this message.

So please, stop forwarding unnecessary messages on Friendster! People don't think you're nice/ cute/ friendly if you do that. People think you're a lame fucking asshole if you do!

Stupid polls.
Seriously, who gives a flying fuck about:
what you like or dislike
what you did today
who you hugged the last time

or whatever else lame shit about your life?! Seriously...
NOBODY CARES! So please, stop posting that crap on the Bulletin board!

Personal details.
A "location" is where you are right now. A "Hometown" if where you're from. So simple to understand but yet, you see retards saying "Location = California, Hometown = England, Philippines, Norway, Singapore, etc"... How the hell could you have been born in multiple place?! For fuck's sakes, USE YOUR BRAINS!

Pictures (A).
Put your own picture in your profile! DO NOT put teddy bears, anime characters, movie stars and so forth! Nothing annoys me more than this! If you're ugly, you're ugly! Don't think by putting Aishwarya Rai's picture as your profile picture, something miraculous is going to happen to you. That mirror is still going to break when you look into it!

Pictures (B).
I don't know why but some people like to pose in extremely annoying ways for their Friendster photos. Examples are:
1. Making a V sign (also known as "Peace") and poking both fingers into their cheek.
2. Puffing out their cheeks and poking a finger into one cheek.
3. Making a "sad puppy" expression.
4. Making a "Please cum on my face" expression.

The whole finger-poking-face thing was made popular by Japanese GT Queens. Now, those women are hot! So, they have a passport of sorts to to whatever the hell they want! But you? No, you don't come close even to their toenails! So please, DO NOT do the GT Queen pose unless you ARE a GT Queen!

If you make the "Please cum on my face" pose in your photos, do not be surprised when people do actually ask you "Do you want me to cum on your face?"

Sending messages for the first time.
If you want to send a message to a person for the first time, try being creative! DO NOT send stupid shit like "Heyya! Can we be fwenzzz?" I and many other people DO NOT want retards who can't speak properly as our friends!

To the guys, do you seriously think sending a message like "Hey babe! I like your tits!" to a hot chick is going to get you some action?! USE YOUR FUCKING BRAINS!

Now, excuse me while I go delete some people from my friend list and some stupid forwarded messages...

1 comment:

Moron said...

fuiyohh.. damn blardee angry la u.
But i agree about the V shaped signs and all.. and u know whos guilty of it all the time la..

- your 2nd in command with a bwack car :P